Tips for Telling Your Kids You Are Getting a Divorce

Tips for Telling Your Kids You Are Getting a Divorce

children listening to parents

Children often have the hardest time when it comes to accepting their parent’s divorce. They may feel confused, upset, or even guilty about the situation. Your job, as a parent, is to do everything in your power to protect them and keep them safe.

Letting your children know that you and your spouse will no longer be together is not an easy task, but it is essential. Here are some tips on how to explain the news to them.

Create a Plan

Don’t go into the conversation with no plan. Think about when and how you will tell them. You should make this decision with your future ex-spouse. You will both want to be on the same page about this. Providing a united front, even in this time of separation, is essential for helping your child get through this.

Anticipate Questions

Your children will have a lot of questions. Be prepared to answer them. The scariest part of divorce for them is the uncertainty of everything. By giving them the answers they need, you can reduce some of the anxiety they may be experiencing.

Also, consider their age when you provide any information to them. For example, a younger child might not quite understand the complexities of a marriage, but a teenager might require a more thorough answer.

Remind Them That You are Here for Them

Children sometimes feel forgotten when their parents get a divorce. They think they are adding to all of the problems. It’s good to let them know that you are here and will continue to be here to help them through this difficult time.

Explain What’s Going to Change and What’s Going to Stay the Same

Let your kids know how this will affect their lives. This will help them prepare for the upcoming changes and give them time to start processing how they feel about the situation. Throughout all of this, be sure to let them know that your love for them isn’t going to change, regardless of what is going on between you and your spouse.

If you are dealing with custody issues, please contact The Law Offices of Jonny Kousa, P.L. at to discuss with ourĀ Coconut Creek divorce attorney.

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